
The Acadiana Metropolitan Planning Organization is focused on enhancing regional transportation and increasing connectivity to major transportation hubs. We represent our regional stakeholders and coordinate with state and federal governments to prioritize transportation initiatives in Acadiana.

US FHWA Federal Designation

The Acadiana Planning Commission has secured the U.S. Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Designation. While the FHWA is tasked with ensuring the design, construction, and maintenance of the Nation’s highway system, they don’t do it on their own. Instead, they work with designated partners, like APC, providing financial and technical assistance. “The Federal Highway Administration is responsible for ensuring that America’s roads and highways continue to be among the safest and most technologically sound in the world” but they can’t do that work without local partners determining which projects need to be completed and coordinating their construction - a role APC plays in Acadiana.

Our Priorities

Multi-Modal Transportation

Improve freight capacity with the enhanced interstate flow, rail service, cargo air service, passenger air service, and port accessibility.


Enhance regional connectivity among the primary municipalities in Acadiana by improving roadways and increasing access to various modes of transportation.


Improve transportation safety measures within Acadiana through crash reduction mechanisms.