Water is one of the most defining features of Louisiana’s landscape. Our state’s future depends on how we manage that landscape and effectively reduce flood risk throughout Louisiana. This is the goal of the Louisiana Watershed Initiative. Project funding was designed to prioritization of projects within the watershed. The project funding breakdown and current project awards can be viewed below.
Local and Regional Watershed Projects and Programs
State Projects and Programs
Non-Federal Cost Share Assistance
Watershed Monitoring, Mapping and Modeling
Administrative Cost
Watershed Policy, Planning, and Local Capacity Assistance
Total Allocation
State Projects and Programs
Following the floods of 2016, the State identified numerous projects necessary for the immediate implementation of a more comprehensive flood mitigation strategy. In these cases, the state-through the LWI-awarded projects as selected through a non-competitive process for immediate implementation.
Program Area
State Projects and Programs
Local and Regional Watershed Projects and Programs Funding Rounds