About MPO

MPO map

About MPO

MPO Planning Boundary Map

The Acadiana MPO Transportation Planning Process

The MPO works to direct federal funds toward transportation projects that are critical for the safety and growth of our region. We accept public comments and incorporate feedback into our recommendations.

Consultant Selection Process

This is information regarding the Consultant Selection Process for the Acadiana Planning Commission Metropolitan Planning Organization (AMPO):
AMPO Consultant Selection Process

Request for Qualification

Project Selection Process

The Acadiana Planning Commission MPO’s Project Selection process is the mechanism for new project determination in the region. The MPO receives a yearly allocation under the STP > 200K program. The MPO accepts applications for federal funds through local and regional government jurisdictions.

Solicitation letters and project applications are sent to the jurisdictions within the MPO area. All Projects applications are graded according to the matrix in the TIP Handbook. The recommendations of the MPO are vetted through the Project Evaluation Subcommittee, Technical Transportation Committee (TTC), and the Transportation Policy Committee (TPC). Upon completion, the MPO will adopt these selected projects within the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). 

Project Selection Process Deliverables

Obligated Projects

The Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act (FAST Act) requires that Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPO) publish an annual listing of federally obligated projects.

The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) defines obligation as the federal government’s commitment to pay or reimburse an entity for the federal share of a project’s eligible cost.  Obligation does not necessarily indicate expenditure or project completion; only that the project has been approved by the government for reimbursement.

The maps below represent Federally obligated projects on an annual basis starting in 2015: